
[ChaseWord] Hereinafter referred to as “ChaseWord”), it is a set of software for formatting text editing, which aims to provide users with a truly immersive writing experience. The software is simple and simple, and users can display all the elements of the interface according to their own needs (background, font, color, dividing line, tips, title, table of contents, remarks) be fully customized to meet the diverse needs of users, to pleasure to be writing.

Function int roduction:

1. Multi-language interface: Chinese (simplified and traditional); Japanese; Korean; English; German; French; Russian; Spanish.

2. Eliminate the complex and keep it simple, users can fully customize all the elements (background, font, color, divider, prompt, title, table of contents, remarks) presented in the interface according to their own needs, and support full-screen editing.

3. Automatically recognize and support high-definition screen display.

4. Dynamically generate a directory during text editing, you can quickly locate the text position through the directory, and support exporting all/part of the text as text.

5. Dynamic formatting and standardization of text editing, no need to set up during editing through operations such as mouse or selection, no need to be distracted, keyboard shortcuts are more efficient, and inspiration does not need to be interrupted.

6. After the user changes the settings, the overall document formatting is automatically completed.

7. It supports the insertion and editing of custom quotes, remarks and pictures, and automatic sorting.

8. Support catalog (single column/double column) printing and custom catalog font, page number automatic generation, remarks, picture printing, header and footer printing, line spacing and spacing customization.

9. Automatically extract cover information and generate a printed cover.

10. Provide corresponding vertical browsing and printing functions for languages with vertical browsing and printing requirements, and support line spacing, spacing and background customization.

11. Full shortcut key operation, when necessary, you can hide the menu and use shortcut keys to edit and set.

12. Each file can have custom background, font, color and other settings. At the same time, if the user has a preference for a certain environment, he can set this environment as the default environment. After setting the default environment, new documents will use this environment setting by default.

13. Automatically save the backup after each user save.

14. Support document encryption.

15. [ChaseWord] is a stand-alone program that supports text export and does not provide any network access, upload and download functions.

Instructions for use (readme):

For more information, please refer to the “Instructions for Use” file (readme).

V3.3.8 Update log:

Fix: cursor line break positioning

V3.3.6 Update log:

Fix: Version 3.3.5 annotations cannot be saved.
Fix: After enabling the “Align both ends of screen layout” function, there is a “Attempted to divide by zero.” error when minimizing the window.

V3.3.5 Update log:

New: Align both ends of screen layout
Fix: Traditional Chinese displayed as Simplified Chinese

V3.3.3 Update log:

Fix cursor positioning for undo, redo, text selection, and cancellation operations
Optimize dual byte character screen display
Save path error caused by canceling file “Save As”
Fix other bugs

V3.3.2 Update log:

Fix TXT format file opening and conversion errors

V3.3.1 Update log:

Optimize the speed of undo and redo operations

V3.3 Update log:

1.Allow users to customize up to 2 synchronized backup folders
2.Add a second type of text font, enable formatting://Text//
3.Optimize Western character screen layout
4.Fix other bugs;

V3.2.2 Update log:

1.Files are no longer forced to be saved in fixed folders (except for backup files).
2.Bug fix

V3.1 Update log:

Fix: consistency and corresponding bugs between linear screen and printed output;
Change: The specific line and title line types of text are not affected by the custom syntax a – i (see readme-3.1. pdf), and all characters will be output as is. This means that if you need to output or display the corresponding formatting characters (`~-=_ *), please set that line to one of the specific lines (1-5). In addition, if strikethrough or underline is selected in the font settings for these two types of text, they will be output according to the line type selected by the user.
This version includes some minor bug fixes.

V3.0 Update log:

New self-developed text editing kernel.

V2.3.5 Update log:

Fix: Quick title positioning feature

V2.3.3 Update log:

1.New title shortcut positioning function key:
Alt+→ the next title position in the text;
Alt+← The previous title position in the text.
2.Bug fix

V2.1.6 – 2.2 Update log:

1.Detail optimization
2.Bug fix

V2.1.5 Update log:

1.Optimize input performance
2.Bug fix

V2.0.5 – 2.1 Update log:

1.Bug fix

V2.0.0 Update log:

1.Optimize the catalog printing effect
2.Bug fix

V1.9.9 Update log:

1.Significantly improve the speed of text formatting and printing text formatting;
2.Optimize the printing page and optimize the printing format of annotations;
3.Catalog printing optimization;
4.Header and footer printing repair and optimization;
5.The word segmentation algorithm is repaired;
6.Correct the display and printing of vertical punctuation marks (only in Chinese);
7.Other bug fixes.

V1.9.8 Update log:

2.Repair vertical frame line printing.

3.Fix the vertical display font size.

4.Fix editor Remark display text alignment.

5.Repair editor cannot select text upwards.

6.Fix the text line movement when the editor moves the cursor.

7.Other bug fixes.

V1.9.7 Update log:

Optimize the display of annotation labels
Repair and optimize printing
Other bug fixes

V1.9.5 Update log:

Compared with the previous version, the system has the following updates:

Temporarily canceled function

 Cancel the document to use the background image feature.

When using the background image for text input, the current input line always has occasional flickering, which greatly affects the input experience. Until this problem is solved, the function of using the background image for text editing will be temporarily cancelled, and the directory still supports images and monochrome Two ways to set the background.

Added features

 1. Added some Markdown syntax markup functions.
 Zhumo now supports the following Markdown syntax:
     a. Bold: Text enclosed in pairs of *;
     b. Italic: text enclosed in pairs of **;
     c. Bold italics: text enclosed in pairs of _;
     d. underline: text contained in pairs of -- signs;
     e. Strikethrough: text enclosed in pairs of ~~ signs;
 The above tags can be stacked, but there are priority levels:
 2. Format priority (from low to high):
     a. Bold: *
     b. Italic: **
     c. Bold italics: _
     d. underline: -- and strikethrough: ~~
     e. Custom reference: 【】[]
     f. Title: "《》" "<>" "‹ ›" "» «"
     g. specific row and header row
     h. Annotation marks and picture marks

The system formats the document in the above order.
The system now supports the above formats (the font size is determined by the font size of the corresponding text or comment text) to be applied to comments (including the comment column, comment information box) (the previous version could only apply the color of the corresponding format), but the specific line, title line Cannot be applied to annotations.
When printing, the system will automatically eliminate these Markdown formatting flags without manual processing. The user can choose custom citations and book titles according to the actual situation.

Bug fixes:

Print the word spacing of the last line of the paragraph;
Lines print different fonts with baseline alignment;
Main editor comments show line break errors;
Occasional index errors in character input;
Rewrite the input format dynamic awareness code;
Errors in expanding and collapsing a directory when the directory does not exist;
Other bug fixes…

V1.9.1 Update log:

Fix: 1. Delete the current character when inserting a picture; 2. Change the current line alignment when double-clicking the mouse to insert/modify a note.

V1.9 Update log:

1. Repair window display is incomplete;

2.BUG repair.

V1.7 – 1.8 Update log:

1. Optimize input performance;

2.Optimize the dynamic perception of text format;

3.Eliminate screen flicker during editing;

4.BUG repair.

V1.6.1.5 Update log:

Repair environment parameter settings.

V1.6.1.3 Update log:

Fix the problem that the background is not normal when the background is set to a solid color when setting the editor environment.

V1.6.1.2 Update log:

1.Update the display of the remark label.

2.Update that the document cover will not be printed separately when not printing the catalog.

V1.6.1.1 Update log:

Fix the bug that the text file is saved as an ChaseWord data file.

V1.6.1 Update log:

You can customize the background, font and color of the remark prompt label in the editor.

Dictionary query supports re-query in the dictionary query interface.